2017 Season Opens with Cool, Rainy, Windy Weather and Many Familiar Faces

In spite of cool, rainy, and windy weather, the first market of the 2017 season was held on May 25th. In addition to many familiar faces, the line-up includes some exciting newcomers this year. Shoppers were enticed and warmed by the delicious-smelling arapas, Columbian flatbread sandwiches cooked-to-order by Donde Thiago, appearing for the first time at Marine Park. Peck-O-dirt has returned this season, offering an array of delectable baked goods , a treat in any type of weather.
While perusing the many fresh-picked vegetables offered by our farmers, I spotted some attractive green and white stalks at the Peachtree Circle Farm table. Although they were similar in appearance to scallions, Carrie Richter, who grew them, explained that they were actually green garlic. Upon further research, I learned that this type of garlic, also known as Spring garlic, New garlic, or Ail Frais in France, are immature garlic plants that are harvested before beginning to form mature bulbs or cloves. Mentioned as far back as 1420 in Du Fait de Cuisine, an early cookbook, this young and versatile form of garlic is undergoing a resurgence in popularity in modern times. In addition to appearing regularly at farmers markets, it is increasingly featured in culinary use as well.
When shopping for green garlic, select bunches with dark green leaves, and white, purple, or pink bulbs, with the roots still attached. This garlic has a spicy, tangy flavor, and can be used in place of green onions and traditional garlic. Green garlic, like all garlic varieties, is also known to have medicinal properties. These include anti-inflammatory effects and the ability to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Please see our simple and delicious recipe: “Fresh Peas with Lettuce and Green Garlic”.
The Falmouth Farmers’ Market is proud to announce that we are the silver winner for the Upper Cape Farm Stand/Farmers Market, in the 25th annual Best of Cape Cod, Cape Cod Life 2017 Readers’ Choice Award. We invite you to stop by and experience the diverse local offerings, weekly events, and friendly atmosphere the market provides.