Weekly Update – August 20, 2015

What’s up this week? Nobska Farms is coming with hot saucy things, dry-rubs, and freshly harvested chili peppers. Peppers of all sorts, sweet and hot, are coming into their own, and so are beans….Last week we saw shelling beans with pink-splashed pods, and Marvel of Venice, a lime-yellow Italian heirloom pole bean grown by Freshfield Farm. At Peachtree Circle Farm there were trays of ripe heirloom tomatoes – and fat green tomatillos for salsa. Plenty of tomatoes at Pariah Dog, too, plus the farm’s new “stir-fry packs,” a bag of mixed vegetables–almost a mini-CSA box –for $5.
This Thursday , 1-3p.m, Steve Junker and Brian Morris will be at the market to promote WCAI’s first book! It’s called The Long Haul, and it’s based on WCAI’s radio reporting on the future of New England’s fisheries. The Long Haul is a tremendous resource for anyone who is interested in fishing, or who cares about our local waters as a sustainable source of local food, livelihoods, and culture. Comes with a WCAI cloth shopping bag to haul home all your market finds. Books also available at Eight Cousins on Main Street.
Here’s more on what we’re expecting this Thursday:
Corn, including, if we’re lucky, organic corn grown in Falmouth by Pariah Dog Farm. Blueberries (still), plums, peaches, small apples. pears, sweet husk tomatoes, maybe water melons. Tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, tomatillos for salsa, beans, lovely speckled shell beans, Venetian heirloom beans, peppers and eggplant. A variety of newly harvested potatoes – some half a dozen from Freshfield Farms in East Falmouth. Cucumbers, summer squash, including round summer balls, zucchini, and delicata. Broccoli, kohlrabi, small white and red cabbages and Savoy cabbage. (Broccoli will be the vegetable featured on Rooting for Health’s recipe card.) Leafy greens, including lettuce, bags of mixed greens, arugula, New Zealand spinach, pea-greens, chards, and kales. Carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, leeks, beautiful red and white onions, cipollinis and garlic. Herbs in bunches and pots, container lettuces, sunflowers, flower bouquets, herbal products and botanical oils.
Cheeses: Great Hill Blue and cheeses from Shy Brothers and Long Lane Farm in the cooler at Olio di Melli; mozzarella, burrata and Armenian string cheese from Fromage à Trois. You’ll also find nice farm eggs, including duck eggs, fresh handmade pasta, including ravioli, bread, baked goods, granola, apple-cider doughnuts (we hope) salad dressing, and preserves. To drink: fresh juices, coffee, wines from Coastal Vineyards. And from Sirenetta: salty caramels and summer chocolates including a fabulous blueberry-hyssop chocolate, while the blueberry-picking lasts.
The Bike Lab offers tune-ups to cyclists between noon and 2p.m. You can also deposit food-scraps you’ve saved at home into the bins provided by Compost With Me.
For local day-boat fish: a map at the market information table will steer you quickly to Machaca Charters at the dock. Bring an insulated bag and ice-pack to carry your fish home.