What to expect at the June 23, 2016 Market

This week, look for Carrie Richter’s new strawberry-rhubarb jam. Carrie grew the rhubarb at Peachtree Circle Farm in Sipewissett. Pariah Dog Farm grew the strawberries, just a few miles away in Teaticket. “Neighbor farmers helping one another,” said Carrie, as if to say, “just as it should be.” Buy the jam, and you’ll be supporting two hard-working Falmouth Farms – deliciously.
It’s scape season and you’ll see the curly “flower” stalks of hardneck garlic at almost every farmer’s table. And – surprise – you’ll see some early garlic bulbs as well. Carrie made a name for herself growing a variety of hardnecks (hail to the Garlic Queen) and, for the first time, she’s offering a soft-neck garlic, too. It’s called “White,” very pretty, and because the neck is soft you can braid a bunch of them together for keeping.
Also this week: Compost With Me will kick off full-service community composting, along with educational demos. So if you’ve been thinking of composting food scraps but need help, pick up a free white container at their table and learn what can go into it and what not. The first demo, “Compost critters” will be a Who’s Who of the creatures great and small that turn our sorry food remains into dark, rich, fertile compost.
And please visit the new Falmouth Service Center tent. So much more than a food pantry, the Center offers vital support and counseling, including healthy nutrition programs for both school kids and adults. There are lots of ways to pitch in, and room for everyone under the Center’s big-hearted tent. Neighbor helping neighbor, “just as it should be.”
Here’s what you might expect this Thursday:
- Strawberries and rhubarb, while they last. Strawberry-rhubarb jam, if they’re past.
- Arugula, spinach, chard, kale, tatsoi, pea-greens, all kinds of lettuces, including giant lettuce heads.
- Beautiful oyster and lion’s mane mushrooms
- Radishes and beets with edible leafy tops, carrots, kohlrabi, onions, fresh young garlic, curly garlic scapes and cilantro.
- Early greenhouse zucchini and cucumbers, the season’s first snap peas and snow peas.
- Coinciding with market hours–fresh local fish from Capt. Willy Hatch’s Machaca Charters, offered dockside at Falmouth Harbor. Please check at our Market Information table for this week’s catch.)
- Farm eggs and Massachusetts cheeses: Long Lane Farm’s goat cheese made fresh that morning, Great Hill Blue, Hannahbells, and Cloumage. Mozarella, burrata, string cheese, and assorted fresh pasta. Doughnuts, jams and jellies, honey, Monomoit Wild sea-salt.
- Vegetable starts and herbs for backyard growers, including mixed lettuce plugs from Allen Farm, and Tina’s Terrific cukes, tomatoes and peppers, including “Carmen,” an early sweet Italian pepper that “grows really well here.” Pots of nasturtiums and petunias and beautiful flower bouquets.
- Coffee beans and beverages, juices, wines from Cape Cod Winery and Westport River.
- Dog treats for your four-footed companions.
- Community composting and demos.